
d'Orsay Sample

Regular price $7.50

Discover the powerful story of d'Orsay, through it's scents evoking memories and feelings of the past, clandestine love, and artful passion. 

d'Orsay scents are light, and fresh; tending to sit close to the skin. View 'benefits' below to discover the notes of your next favorite scent.

Sample sizes are 1 ml and non-refundable.

P.S. - Woody / Floral
"Jusqu’à Toi." *Until you*

A.N. - Woody / Spicy
"Acte d’Amour Furtif." *Stealthy act of love*

C.G. - Floral / Green
"Vouloir Etre Ailleurs." *Wanting to be somewhere else*

V.H. - Amber / Benzoin
"Te dire oui." *To say yes to you*

J.R. - Floral / Musky
"J’ai l’air de ce que je suis." *I seem like myself*

O.W. - Woody / Citrus
"C’est Toujours Agréable D’êTre Attendu." *It's always nice to have someone waiting for you*

A.R. - Woody / Floral
"Les ombres fantastiques." *The fantastic shadows*

E.Q. - Floral / Musky
"Sur Tes Lèvres." *On your lips*

G.A. - Woody / Leather
"Dandy or Not."

R.B. - Woody / Floral
"Une Rose Au Paradis." *A Rose In Heaven*

M.D. - Woody / Spicy
"Nous Sommes Amants." *We are lovers*

L.B. - Floral / Citrus
"À CœUr Perdu." *With all my heart*